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  • Tags: Influenza
This is a typed page of three columns. The first is students names, the second is section, and the third is grade. The courses are Math 1, Math 10 (or 11), Math 51, and Math 55. The grades range from 75 to 90. Typed in a paragraph below this is, 'The…
This is a two-page typed letter from 'Robert I. Rees, Brigadier General USA General Staff Chairman' to 'Commanding Officers, District Inspecting Officers, District Educational Directors, and Heads of SATC Institutions'. It is dated 'November 5,…
This typed letter is addressed to 'Commandant, Eight Naval District, US Naval Station, New Orleans, La.' and is signed (typed) 'President.' It is dated 'Oct. 18, 1918'. The body of the letter reads, 'I beg to advise:- 1. Our temporary contract [both…
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