Bulletin regarding singing in the SATC, dated Nov. 10, 1918

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Bulletin regarding singing in the SATC, dated Nov. 10, 1918


<p>Student Army Training Corps (SATC) - World War, 1914-1918 - Southwestern University</p>


This is the five-page Singing in the SATC Bulletin. It is from 'The Commission on Training Camp Activities: Department of Camp Music' and is to 'Instructors in Mass Singing in Units of the SATC'. At the top of the first page in the center is typed 'War Department' and under that 'Singing in the SATC' and below that is 'Issued, in conjunction with this work of the Committee on Education and Special Training, by the Commission on Training Camp Activities, Raymond B. Fosdick, Chairman; Lee F. Hanmer, Director, Department of Camp Music; Peter W. Dykema, Supervisor of singing in the SATC.' Beneath this is 'Bulletin No. 2 : November 10, 1918.' The first section of the body of the bulletin is 'Mass Singing the Most Important Musical Activity in SATC' because 'it alone involves participation by all students'. The next section is titled 'Material, the First Consideration'. On the second page of the bulletin, the first paragraph is a continuation from the first page. The next section is titled 'Shall We Use Just What Is Used in Army Camps?' and explains some of the differences that the SATC presents as a unit of educated men. The next section is 'What Can We Carry Over from Camp Singing?' and discusses how soldiers have 'unmistakable terms' for their likes and dislikes of music. On the third page, the first paragraph continues from the second page. The next section is 'What Shall We Use Besides Popular Songs?' and discusses the Commission Song Books which are popular songs (25-33-1/3%), standard patriotic songs (16-2/3%), standard folk and national songs (25%), hymns (16-2/3%), miscellaneous (10%). The next section is 'Can the SATC Singing Mark an Advance?' and discusses ways to build on the song book. On the fourth page, the first paragraph continues from the third page. The next section is 'Many Opportunities for Experiments', and the section after that is 'Where to Get the Music'. On the fifth and last page, directions on how to order or reorder song books are given. It is signed 'Commission on Training Camp Activities, Washington, D.C.' and below that 'Peter W. Dykema, Song Leader' and then 'Assigned as Supervisor of Singing in the SATC' and below that 'Hollis Edison Davonny, Lieut. Q. M. C. Secretary.'




<p><a href="http://southwestern.edu/infoservices/departments/specialcollections/">Southwestern University Special Collections</a></p>
<p>Small Collections: Box 7, Folder 5</p>
<p>Copyright Notice: Available for research use; permission needed for publication.</p>






Unknown, “Bulletin regarding singing in the SATC, dated Nov. 10, 1918,” Digital Texas Heritage Resource Center , accessed October 16, 2024, https://texasheritage.southwestern.edu/items/show/989.

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