Letter regarding Naval Reservists in SATC at Southwestern, dated Sept. 14, 1918

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Letter regarding Naval Reservists in SATC at Southwestern, dated Sept. 14, 1918


<p>Student Army Training Corps (SATC) - World War, 1914-1918 - Southwestern University - New Orleans, LA</p>


This is a typed letter with a letterhead of 'Receiving Ship at New Orleans[:] New Orleans, La.' On the left-hand side is typed 'GPC/GEW' and on the right is typed '14 Sept. 1918.' There is a watermark of Hammermill Bond. This is from 'Commanding Officer' and is signed 'Gilbert P Chase' and is addressed to 'R. W. Timsley, Act. Reg. of Southwestern University.' The next line is, 'Subject: Enrollment of Naval Reservists in SATC.' The body of the letter stresses that 'all men who have enrolled in the Naval Reserve Force, regardless of whether they have been called into active service or not, will be required to join the Naval Section of the SATC'.
New Orleans, LA


Gilbert P. Chase


<p><a href="http://southwestern.edu/infoservices/departments/specialcollections/">Southwestern University Special Collections</a></p>
<p>Small Collections: Box 7, Folder 5</p>
<p>Copyright Notice: Available for research use; permission needed for publication.</p>






Gilbert P. Chase, “Letter regarding Naval Reservists in SATC at Southwestern, dated Sept. 14, 1918,” Digital Texas Heritage Resource Center , accessed October 16, 2024, https://texasheritage.southwestern.edu/items/show/982.

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