<a href="http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth586980/?q=falconer" target="_blank">Letter from Thomas Falconer to John David Falconer, dated Dec. [Jan.] 5, 1841</a>

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<a href="http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth586980/?q=falconer" target="_blank">Letter from Thomas Falconer to John David Falconer, dated Dec. [Jan.] 5, 1841</a>


<span>Letter from Thomas </span><span class="highlight">Falconer</span><span> to John David </span><span class="highlight">Falconer</span><span>, dated Dec. 5, 1841, but the December is probably a mistake for January since </span><span class="highlight">Falconer</span><span> was captive in Mexico in December 1941. The letter chronicles </span><span class="highlight">Falconer</span><span>'s trip by steamboat down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers from Louisville, KY, to New Orleans, LA. There is a small sketch of the steamer, the William French. The letter gives details of the price of passage; accommodations and food; how the steamer is different from "ours"; the stokers (slaves) who "make a most infernal singing"; fellow passengers; Americans for whom "the making of money is their chief pursuit from the time they can talk until they die"; and various towns and cities along the way. From New Orleans, </span><span class="highlight">Falconer</span><span> went to Texas where he was caught up in the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. This letter has a modern handwritten transcription available via the Portal to Texas History.</span>


Thomas Falconer


Thomas Falconer Correspondence, Special Collections, Smith Library Center, Southwestern University. View the Finding Aid <a href="http://atlas.southwestern.edu/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=335927" target="_blank">here</a>.






Thomas Falconer, “<a href="http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth586980/?q=falconer" target="_blank">Letter from Thomas Falconer to John David Falconer, dated Dec. [Jan.] 5, 1841</a>,” Digital Texas Heritage Resource Center , accessed October 16, 2024, https://texasheritage.southwestern.edu/items/show/1.

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